Parish Ministries Called to Serve

Ministries are the backbone of the parish and they primarily serve to bring the love of Christ to all. These ministries provide an opportunity for collaborative ministry among the People of God following after the example of Jesus who came ‘to serve and not be served’.

Liturgical Ministries

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:

The EMHCs assist the priest at mass in the distribution of holy communion. They also assist in bringing holy communion to the sick and homebound and extend the church’s care towards those who are unable to participate in the Holy Mass due to prolonged illness.


This ministry assigns to the ushers the task of welcoming people at the door, and helping them find their places. They also assist with taking up the Church collection at the Mass.

Kathleen Ponnachan

Jenical Soosai

Lectors and Commentators:

They play an integral role in the proclamation of the word of God in liturgical celebrations. As proclaimers, they serve the assembly in making the word of God alive.

Kathleen Ponnachan

Cynthia Peter


The Choir and musicians are at the service of the Assembly, the people of God. Its purpose and task is to lead and help, to animate and support, the encourage the full participation of the congregation in liturgical celebrations.

Brigitte Januarius

Stephen Joseph

Altar Servers:

Altar servers are a vital part of the liturgical ministry. These servers enhance the quality of the celebration for the whole gathered assembly by taking part in processions and by ensuring that all items required for the celebration are available at the appropriate moments.

Non-Liturgical Ministries

Catechetical (Sunday School):

The Ministry of Sunday School focuses on providing faith formation for children and young students who are journeying to prepare and receive the sacraments. This ministry is a vital part of the catechetical life of the parish.

Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group:

This ministry focuses on a promoting a deep relationship with the Holy Spirit, highlighting the many “charisms” that are given to Catholics through the sacraments of baptism and confirmation.

Family Life:

Family Life Ministry is God’s blueprint for transmitting faith from one generation to the next. To see families develop resilient, biblically rooted, divinely fueled faith, all age groups in the church must partner with parents to help them be the main spiritual influencers in their children’s lives.

Jesus Youth:

Jesus Youth members seek to grow as faithful disciples of Christ, through daily prayer, word of God, sacraments, fellowship, evangelisation and option for the poor. It seeks to evangelise young people and nurture their faith in Jesus.

Ajith Mani

Legion of Mary:

The Legion of Mary seeks to promote the sanctification of its lay members through prayer, the sacraments, and devotion to Mary and the Trinity, and of the whole world through this apostolate.


A Liturgical Ministry is simply being involved with or assisting with the Mass. While the priest is the presider and main guide for the movement of the liturgy, it is a community effort to complete the Mass. Below are listed several ways you can use your gifts and talents to bring more beauty to the Mass.


Church maintenance refers to the upkeep of all property and equipment that belongs to a church. It encompasses every maintenance task required to keep a church and its entire premises functional, safe, and presentable. 

Joseph Martin

Media & Projectionists:

Participation of the assembly is crucial in the celebration of the Holy Mass. Media &  Projectionists help the assembly to not only follow the Holy Mass but also to foster greater participation in the liturgy.

Anselm Dicom

Elisha Hosanna

Meliza Chinnapan

Parish Integral Human Development (PIHDM):

An integral part of the Church’s mission is the upliftment of the poor and needy. This ministry seeks to serve those in need not only to improve their quality of life but to foster greater respect for the dignity of the human person.

Victor Devadass

Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs (PMIEA):

Fostering good relations with other Christians and people of other faiths is part of extending the good news to the world. This ministry acts as a bridge-builder with other communities with the purpose of fostering peace and harmony.

Ruben Soosay

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA):

The RCIA is a journey, set forth by the universal Church, for adult inquirers (seekers of faith) who desire to know and follow Jesus Christ and to become a member of the Catholic Church. The Rite prepares the adult inquirers with the aim to receive the Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul:

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Catholic organisation of lay people, open to all who wish to live their faith by loving and serving their neighbours in a variety of ways, especially towards the poor and needy.

Norman Lazaroo

Tamil Apostolate:

The Tamil Apostolate seeks to create opportunities among the Tamil-speaking parishioners to grow spiritually, culturally, and socially in the spirit of unity with the parish community as a whole.

Stella Santiago


Seeks to empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus and to promote active participation in the life of the Church. In doing so, this ministry seeks to accompany young people in their personal and spiritual growth in our world today.

Creation Justice Ministry:

Marilyn Simon

OLF Security Team

Jacob Das


BEC Coordinating Team:

The Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC) is the heartbeat of the parish. These small groups seek to enhance relationships by fostering a spirit of prayer and action in the local neighbourhood.